27 Troglodytes troglodytes (Troglodyte mignon)

Estimated number of birds for an average point for Troglodytes troglodytes (Troglodyte mignon) based on a non-linear model. The linear yearly change (~) is +1.8% (-1.7%; +5.4%). The trend is possibly non-linear.

Figure 27.1: Estimated number of birds for an average point for Troglodytes troglodytes (Troglodyte mignon) based on a non-linear model. The linear yearly change (~) is +1.8% (-1.7%; +5.4%). The trend is possibly non-linear.

Indices for different reference years.

Figure 27.2: Indices for different reference years.

Relative change between years

Figure 27.3: Relative change between years